Tax Tips

Why Consulting a Tax Refund Expert Can Payback in Spades

Tax Refund Calculation

So, it appears that using the Revenue On-line System (ROS) isn’t always as straight forward as it seems when trying to apply for a tax refund. We recently received a cry for help from a client who had submitted a tax refund claim for medical expenses using the R.O.S.

They did so expecting, from their own calculations, to receive a rebate in the region of €500. Instead, the result was Revenue chasing our client for underpayment of tax to the tune of more than twice the eagerly awaited rebate for medical expenses.

On submission of the medical expenses claim, Revenue completed a P21 balancing statement for our client for the tax year in question and arrived at an underpayment in excess of €700 – a swing of €1200!

Our client was distraught, rather than being flush with cash from a tax return, they would now it seemed, be out of pocket instead. They came to us to investigate the matter a little deeper as they just could not comprehend the value of the underpayment due.

On further investigation by ourselves, we discovered that the client, in submitting their medical expenses directly via ROS, had not completed the submission form correctly.

They did not claim for other tax credits and expenses that would have completely off-set the underpayment of tax. In fact, we successfully agreed with Revenue, after a comprehensive review, that the client was in fact due a substantial tax return in excess of €1,700 for the period in question. As you can imagine, the client was much happier with this response!

Not every case works out this way, however, using the services of tax experts, such as Irish Tax Rebates, can ensure that you prevent such damaging mistakes from occurring. Tax experts know how to review and submit your tax refund in the correct manner so that you can achieve the most successful possible outcome.

If you’re not sure about submitting an expense claim on the R.O.S. or think that you might be due a tax refund, apply online for your tax refund:


New Customers: Apply here.

Existing Customers: Apply For Additional Rebate 


We’ll make sure that you get the right result!